Sports World Obsessed With Ugly Christmas Sweaters

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Ugly Christmas Sweaters have taken over everything from the NHL to NCAA teams

I grew up in one of those households where we wore ugly Christmas sweaters with very little irony. I’m not sure, but I think it has something to do with my upbringing being an awkward collision of a Jewish dad, an uber-Canadian mom, and the nineties.

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Whatever. All that matters is that now, my giant pile of horrendous holiday apparel is ‘cool’; I’m rocking it and acting like I bought the sweaters as a joke, too.

I’m not sure which professional sports franchise started making these, but that doesn’t make much of a difference. The important part is that you can now acquire a sweater or t-shirt for pretty much any franchise you like, and rock it at those holiday parties that just happen to coincide with the game you absolutely cannot miss.

It’s a win-win, in my opinion.

So far, I’ve managed to obtain both a Boston Bruins ugly Christmas sweater and an Arizona Coyotes ugly Christmas sweater — but if you aren’t willing to drop seventy bucks on one of these puppies, just see if you can snag one of the free ‘ugly sweater’ giveaway shirts:

You can’t tell me you don’t like these. Ugly Christmas Sweaters > all else.

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