Portal Trick Shots (Video)

Now You’re Playing With Portals

Portal was of the best games of 2007. In fact, it’s arguably one of the best games in the last decade.

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The concept is quite simple: “The portal gun can create two distinct portal ends, orange and blue. The portals create a visual and physical connection between two different locations in three-dimensional space. Neither end is specifically an entrance or exit; all objects that travel through one portal will exit through the other.”

Wait, that doesn’t sound simple at all. In fact, that’s somewhat confusing. Don’t worry; it’s not as bad as it sounds.

In essence you go in one portal and come out the other.

The beauty of this game was that you understood the basic concept after only playing for five minutes, but the depth the game is able to create based on those concepts is astounding.

Oh, the point of the article! These two scientists appear to have gotten hold of the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (portal gun) and decided to see what kind of trick shots then can pull if. I’m not so sure what they are doing is safe, but it is pretty cool.

If you haven’t ever played this game it’s worth checking it out. There was a sequel released in 2011 that expands upon the gameplay that makes for some truly puzzling… puzzles. Sorry.

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