It may still be early, but with about a third of the NBA season completed, we will take a look at the top 5 candidates for MVP.
Some may say it is still too early for NBA MVP talk, but the season is about a third complete. Contenders are starting to make their moves. The top players are making their presence felt. The feeling out period is over, and now is when the jockeying for position begins.
This year’s MVP race might be a change from recent history, where the winners were pretty much known long before the season was over. Last season’s winner, Kevin Durant, has been sidelined with injuries, and voters may grow tired of giving the award to LeBron James, winner of four of the previous five awards before Durant. The race may be open to more candidates and it may go down to the wire.
Talking about the MVP may be the second-best thing about the NBA to the actual games. Everyone has their favorites, and when the winner is announced, there will always be people complaining that their guy got a raw deal. I expect this year those complaints to be larger and louder.
Here are the top 5 NBA MVP candidates so far:
Next: 5. Kyle Lowry