‘Foxcatcher’ nominated for multiple SAG nominations


Olympic champion Mark Schultz, portrayed in “Foxcatcher,” has embraced the movie and began to promote it as it racks up award nominations.

“Foxcatcher” is based on a true story about the Schultz brothers, Olympic champions back in 1984 who were asked to join Team Foxcatcher sponsored  by John E. du Pont, multimillionaire philanthropist who turns out to be mentally ill and leading to unfortunate circumstances.

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Steve Carrell, Mark Ruffallo, and director Bennett Miller have each been nominated for the Screen Actors Guild Awards this Sunday, January 25, 2015, 8ET. There was some dispute about the film from Olympic champion and UFC fighter Mark Schultz, at first he wasn’t pleased with the movie at all, he bashed Miller for his film and told him to cut multiple scenes from the movie. The relationship between Mark Schultz (Channing Tatum) and du Pont (Steve Carrell) came off as explicate and offended him because he felt it wasn’t an accurate representation of their relationship in anyway. Miller then addressed that wasn’t what he was going for, he was showing du Pont’s bizarre and intrusive mannerisms around Mark.  After a couple weeks of straight bashing tweets from Mark Schultz, he finally apologized to Miller via Twitter and now has been showing nothing but love towards this film.

His role, played by Tatum, was robbed and didn’t receive a nomination at the SAG Awards but his fellow teammates are up for the award and he couldn’t be more proud! He also stated that it was really hard for him to watch this film,the death of his brother Dave was the hardest moment in life but he enjoyed the way Ruffalo and Miller portrayed his brother. January 26th, 2015 will be the 19th anniversary of Dave Schultz death, I think it’s ironic that the SAG Awards are the night before, this movie was nothing short of amazing and I wish nothing but the best for these fellow actors, director and family for recreating this story and sharing it with the world.

“Foxcatcher” is now a NY times bestseller on the Kindle. Steve Carrell is up for Best Actor Award, it was such a different role him and it’s always so exciting to see these actors take on such powerful and different roles. Mark Ruffalo was nominated for Best Supporting Actor, and Bennett Miller for Best Director.  Not to mention nominations for Best Original Screen Play and Best Hairstyling and Makeup, Carrell’s makeup in the movie makes him almost unrecognizable at a first glimpse. It’s the 21st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards and the competition is a tough one this year but I can’t wait to tune in and see who wins, I know I’m definitely team “Foxcatcher” this year!

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