SNL parodies Fifty Shades of Grey

Dakota Johnson makes an appearance in the skit during her stint as a guest host.

After the film’s release just over two weeks ago, it seems like everyone has been jumping on the ‘Make Fun of Fifty Shades‘ bandwagon– a wagon that’s been going at a grueling pace ever since, and doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon.

But hey, that doesn’t make it any less funny than it was at the start. If anything, as jokes build upon pre-existing jokes, it culminates into this hilarious beast that just won’t die.

And honestly, as long as it showcases how awful Fifty Shades is, that beast can stay alive as long as it likes.

Last night, Saturday Night Live was the latest in a long line of parodies of the film and the book it’s based on.

If you’re able to put aside the unrealistic situation of a middle school kid doing a press junket, let alone one as R-rated as Fifty Shades of Grey, it actually is a rather funny skit.

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It brings attention to how utterly ridiculous the prose from the book is (“my very own Christian Grey flavored popsicle”?!), as well as highlighting how it’s really inappropriate that the film is being shown in theaters (“Oh, that’s right, she prefers twisted games of sexual pain and domination”).

If you couldn’t tell by now, I thought some of these lines were gold.

Dakota Johnson, bless her, was a really good sport.

Then again, if you’re willing to sign on to that kind of movie, you should expect the backlash and jokes that will come out it.

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