Jimmy Kimmel tricks posers at SXSW (Video)

A correspondent from Jimmy Kimmel Live goaded fans at SXSW into discussing non-existent bands with familiarity.

If there’s one type of fan who hates to not be in the know, it’s your standard music festival fan. That person who plays some album laden with funky jazz beats and a barking dog in the background is the same person who goes to SXSW to learn about bands just to show off upon returning home.

As it turns out, Jimmy Kimmel managed to out such people and put them in front of a camera, with great results. Lie Witness News is back, people, and it’s better than ever.

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We’re not sure if it’s the drugs or the hipster aura but the conviction with which some of these people pull stuff out of nowhere is something else. Maybe lying about bands you don’t know is just a reflexive activity at music festivals.

It’s like rehashing ‘what you’ve been doing this last year’ at a family reunion. It’s mostly boring and at least partially made up, but it’s easier than sitting there and going over the real details of the situation.

The best, of course, is saved for last where the guy who’s clearly stoned out of his mind pleads for legal marijuana in Texas of all places. Good luck with that, buddy. You’ll probably have better luck squeezing blood from a stone. And good luck to the rest of those hoping to find a DJ Fictionelle mixtape. At least you sound halfway convincing when pretending to have heard of this fictional person.

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