Michael Jordan’s crosssover injures Tom Brady (Photo)

Tom Brady full body cast
Tom Brady full body cast

It seems like Tom Brady enjoys an April Fools’ joke as much as the rest of us

So New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady has clearly been enjoying his downtime since winning the Super Bowl back in February. He’s most recently hit social media when pictures emerged of him on vacation, just your average run of the mill vacation playing some hoops with Michael Jordan.

We’ve all had vacations like that right?

It got a lot of attention across the web, most people were just amazed by the epicness that is that vacation. Some people questioned whether he should be playing sports that could potentially injure him while he is under a multi-million dollar contract.

Those people need to chill, it’s a game of two on two not murder ball.

Brady took it upon himself to address people’s concerns by posting a picture of himself in full body cast with the caption ‘Jordan’s crossover is no joke’. If it was any other day of the year I’m sure some of the lesser intelligent Brady fans would be cursing God after seeing the photo, but even the most gullible of people must be on the look out for suspicious claims on April first…

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Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 1.53.31 PM
"Jordan’s crossover is no joke!Posted by Tom Brady on Wednesday, April 1, 2015"

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