Derrick Rose dunks, doesn’t blow out his knees (Video)

Derrick Rose is finally back with the Chicago Bulls, and he even managed to perform a slightly amusing slam dunk without blowing out either of his knees. 

The Chicago Bulls finally have Derrick Rose back, but he’s not fully bak to to being the player he was a few years ago. Rather than be excited about Rose coming back, Bulls fans are simply waiting until the next time he gets injured — and that’s just sad.

It’s the only way to deal with Rose’s up and down health though. In the meantime, he’s trying to put on a show and get back to being the player he was in 2010-11, and he tried to prove he was healthy on Thursday night against the Miami Heat.

Derrick Rose not only dunked last night against the Miami Heat, but he managed to do so without tearing every ligament in his knees. Then again, at this point, it’s hard to believe he has any ligaments left.

That’s the saddest dunk you’ll ever see Derrick Rose take. There’s no pop, there’s no flash and it’s a shell of what he used to be. Of course, he’s just coming back — again — and there is going to be a period of time where he regains his footing.

But the bottom line is that Rose isn’t the player he was a few years ago and that’s just depressing. It’s not like he had one last good year in his 30s, the man is still in his mid-20s. Yet, Rose is playing like a feeble old man and whenever he tries to be Derrick Rose again, he breaks.

There were flashes of the old Derrick Rose in his return against the Bucks earlier this week and this game against the Heat saw some of those flashes as well. But superstars don’t show flashes of greatness, they just show it all the time. Rose isn’t back to that level yet but the fact that he can be mobile and not immediately destroy his body is a hopeful sign for the future.

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