NFL Helmets reimagined as Marvel football teams

All 32 NFL team helmets have been redesigned as Marvel Football League teams. 

The Marvel Football league is not real. But one can feel like it is by looking through Imgur user, TylerKozy’s, gallery. In it are custom designed helmets for fictional teams such as the Kansas City Spideys, Tennessee Thors, Chicago Ultrons, and the New England Star Lords.

Kozy claims his father made the helmet designs after seeing a simlar idea implemented with Star Wars. The helmets look really sleek. Each helmet is designed after a specific Marvel universe character that somehow ties into the team’s real life aesthetic. For examle, The St. Louis Rams have been rebranded as the St. Louis Doc Ocks. The helmet looks very similar to the original design except the trademark ram horn has been replaced with one of Doc Ocks trademark mechanical arms.


Another great helmet is the Dallas Captains “America’s Team.” For this helmet the Dallas star has been replaced with Captain America’s shield, which has a star at its center.


There are a few goofy looking ones though.

The Arizona Cardinals were transformed to the Arizona Phoenix. Phoenix of course is Jean Grey. However by the looks of the helmet you would think she was a cardinal who flew into a window. There  is a Marvel character that goes by the alias Cardinal. He is an ex mercenary and leader of the Air Force mercenary group. However he is definitely not as well known as Phoenix so it makes sense why he wouldn’t see any game time.


The Chicago Ultrons helmet is the Chicago Bear’s helmet with the C rotated 90 degrees. And I get it, it’s supposed to be a U. But is that the best they could do for the bears? What about Ursa Major, the man who could turn himself into a giant brown bear? I didn’t even know that I just searched “marvel bear” in my browser’s search engine and it came up. Seems like a missed opportunity.


Most of these helmets look amazing. They have reflections and shadows for added realism and are definitely worth taking a look at for both football and comic fans.

All pictures from Imgur.