No matter what, Hulk Hogan just stays believing that he’ll be in a match at WrestleMania 32 next year in Dallas
As much as people try to knock him when he says it out loud, Hulk Hogan is still pretty adamant that when WrestleMania 32 rolls around next year in Dallas, he’ll be competing in a match against someone.
During a recent interview in Australia where Hogan is promoting WWE’s upcoming tour, the subject of stepping into the ring was of course brought up. That was where Hogan revealed that he went to Vince McMahon and expressed his interest in competing at the event in Dallas that’s expected to draw over 100,000 people to AT&T Stadium.
Well, from there, McMahon told Hogan that he’s open to the idea as long as the Hulkster can pass a physical, which is the obvious point of contention as it pertains to Hogan ever getting back into a ring again. After multiple back surgeries, plus numerous other injuries that he has accrued throughout the years, the chances of a doctor clearing him are pretty slim.
However, with his being WWE where anything can happen, it can’t be out of the realm of possibility for a doctor to clear him for some limited action. But that’s exactly what it has to be–limited.
If Hogan were to gain the clearance from the medical staff, the best case scenario would be to put him into a tag team match. Have he and his little superhero clone, John Cena, take on whoever two of the biggest super villains are at the time, and the most important part to all of this is to not have Hogan do too much. Throw a few punches, pose for the crowd and let him be happy with his little moment.
Bottom line is that there is no way that he can have a one-on-one match with anyone, should he be cleared to compete at the biggest event of the year.
But, we’re quickly learning that Hogan will not let this subject go.