Jon Stewart goes off on Tom Brady and Deflategate scandal (Video)


Of course Jon Stewart went off on Tom Brady over the allegations that he knew about deflated footballs

The big news in the NFL over the course of the past few days has been the Ted Wells Report that was released in regards to the New England Patriots and deflated footballs from the AFC Championship Game back in January. Of course, the report seemed to suggest that Tom Brady knew of everything that was going on, meaning that people are gonna take their shots.

Well, as you would more than certainly expect, Daily Show host Jon Stewart was one of the people doing the jabbing.

In the video below you can watch Stewart give his (hilarious) take on Brady and the whole situation.

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Now, you had to know that was coming. While people like to see him tackle political issues, Stewart is sometimes at his best when it comes to something controversial happening in the world of sports.

It’s gonna be a truly sad day when Stewart leaves that desk and can’t comment on things of this nature, because he really brings out the best in a bad situation when he gets on a roll.

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