James McAvoy shaves head for Professor X (Photo)

James McAvoy shaves head for Professor X in X-Men: Apocalypse 

It is early in the filming process for X-Men: Apocalypse, which began just 12 days ago in Montreal, but we are already seeing some differences in this film’s X-Men. We  have received our first glimpse at James McAvoy getting into the role of Professor X the way we are more acquainted with seeing him.

The bald look has been a long time mainstay for Professor X, and even for the previous actor that played him, Patrick Stewart. It is James McAvoy’s turn, though, to rock the cue ball look.

The prequels and modern X-Men movies can be traced as a journey for Professor X, and his struggle to find out what it takes to run a team like the X-Men. They could take it a few directions as to why he has to lose his hair.

In X-Men: First Class there is a sort of throw-out scene where Hank asks if he can shave Charles Xavier’s hair for Cerebro, but Professor Xavier contests “don’t touch the hair.” This may be just a joke, but it wouldn’t surprise me if somehow Cerebro played a big part in this movie and Prof X saves the day with his shaved head and good ol’ Cerebro.

Also, the balding could also be a side effect of the serum or lack of use. It is almost impossible to guess the plot based on a shaved head, but nonetheless fun. In the comic books it is his powers that make all of this hair fall out by the time he is in High School.

It would be fitting if they did go the route of having Cerebro play a large role. The first movie, Prof X establishes his school, and loses his ability to use his legs.

In this movie, shaving his head and unlocking the full extent of his powers would be a fitting progression for the series.

h/t Cinemablend

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