DeFlateGate: Patriots say ‘Deflator’ not about footballs, but weight loss
There is a term in television for when a show loses any and all credibility because of some crazy stunt or plot twist. It’s called “Jumping the Shark,” which originated from Fonzie literally jumping over a shark in Happy Days. The New England Patriots have not only jumped the shark, they circled back, did it again, and then ran on water all the way back to shore.
The organization, fined $1 million and two draft picks, is still reeling from seeing star quarterback Tom Brady suspended for four games in connection with the DeFlateGate scandal. In the Wells Report, there is a section where equipment manager James McNally allegedly had texts on his phone in which he called himself the “Deflator.” New England explains this by saying McNally, who weighs more than 300 pounds, was talking about trying to deflate, as is lose weight. You can’t make this stuff up. Courtesy of USA Today:
"Mr. McNally is a big fellow and had the opposite goal: to lose weight. “Deflate” was a term they used to refer to losing weight. One can specifically see this use of the term in a Nov. 30, 2014 text from Mr. McNally to Mr. Jastremski: “deflate and give somebody that jacket.” (p. 87). This banter, and Mr. McNally’s goal of losing weight, meant Mr. McNally was the “deflator.” There was nothing complicated or sinister about it. If there was any doubt about the jocular nature of the May 9, 2014 texts, a review of all the texts between these two men that day would dispel it."
I’m not sure what is more embarrassing; feeling you have to deflate footballs to beat Andrew Luck and 52 mediocre players on the Indianapolis Colts, or trying to say your overweight equipment manager has a nickname for his attempted weight loss. Either way, this situation has deteriorated to the point of complete chaos.
If it wasn’t clear before that the Patriots would go to any length to protect Brady, it certainly is now.