Fall Out Boy and Wiz Khalifa perform ‘Uma Thurman’ at Billboard Music Awards


Fall Out Boy and Wiz Khalifa showcase an awesome live performance of “Uma Thurman” at the Billboard Music Awards.

Fall Out Boy is touching the top of the charts again with their most recent hit “Uma Thurman”, so the band decided to give the audience at the Billboard Music Awards a taste of what their punk rock music has become. Then, out of nowhere, Wiz Khalifa came out with a golden microphone and spit a verse for the crowd to enjoy.

The performance was everything pop fans loved, yet probably weird-ed out punk music junkies out there. Between the dozen of Uma Thurman inspired back up dancers bopping around to the beat, to Fall Out Boy actually singing a song live about an actress in the Quentin Tarantino classic, Pulp Fiction, this live song was hard to watch at points, but entertaining nonetheless.

If there is one thing Fall Out Boy has done for their music careers in recent years, it has develop more and more into a pop band than anything. “Uma Thurman” is the perfect example of that. No matter how big your band gets, singing about a pop culture reference as obvious as Pulp Fiction means you have sold out. Then having Wiz Khalifa star in a live performance for a song that you wrote just reassures any doubters out there.

However, I couldn’t help but watch as the punk band and rapper team up to perform what was a weird, yet pleasant song on one of music’s biggest stages: The 2015 Billboard Music Awards.

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