Minor League team to sell ‘hot dog pizza’


The Fresno Grizzlies have revolutionized pizza by creating a pie with hot dog crust and naming it ‘Frankenslice’

A minor league baseball team have gone a step further in pizza making by announcing that they’ll be selling a hot dog-crusted pizza for a halfway to Halloween celebration. (Apparently that’s a real thing)

America has to lead the way in creatively adding to obesity each year. If it’s not the bacon crust pizza from Little Cesars or the infamous doughnut burger, it’s a pizza with hot dogs in the crust. Let’s face it, the Grizzlies are way ahead of the game.

How often have you been at a sporting event and gotten caught in the most difficult decision of the day: “Do I want a hot dog, or do I want a pizza?” Well, fear not, America, a solution has been found that meets every need you might have at a baseball game.

I dare say that this innovative move from the minor league team will be seen in stadiums across the country within the next few months because, after all, plain old fashioned pizzas just aren’t unhealthy enough!

If there are any complaints about this new cuisine on offer, I’m sure the powers that be at the Grizzlies will suggest that nobody is forcing the consumer to buy it…but realistically who’s going to turn down a chance to try this monstrosity?!

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H/T The Big Lead