J.J. Watt’s leg bruise will make your stomach turn (Photo)

Credit: J.J. Watt/Instagram
Credit: J.J. Watt/Instagram

The NFL is not a league for just anyone, and J.J. Watt proved that on Wednesday when he showed off nasty leg bruise that isn’t for the squeamish.

We’ve seen football injuries in the past that made us squirm. From the Joe Theismann leg snap to even as recently as the Super Bowl and Jeremy Lane’s arm snapping in half, football is not a sport for the faint of heart.

In fact, it’s a sport for the clinically insane, as the gruesome injuries were see are taken to a whole different level whenever football is involved.

Look no further than J.J. Watt’s nasty leg bruise for proof of this. Something like this isn’t just a normal leg bruise, it’s a football bruise that we’re both in awe of and disgusted by all at the same time.

Just take a look at his nasty leg bruise that looks like it felt so much worse than it looks.

Ah, Football.

This is something that will probably dissuade more people to play football than it will convince them that it’s something they should do. Then again, for those in the fraternity of football, wounds like this are badges of honor, as it’s a sign that you go hard and don’t let anything stop you.

Some of us cry when we get paper cuts or stub our toe on a desk corner. J.J. Watt is a trooper, and this is nothing more than a flesh wound to a man who will take out his pain on the quarterbacks he faces this season.

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