MLB: Major League Baseball uniform power rankings
- Home Cap: 6th
- Home Jersey: 9th
- Road Cap: 13th
- Road Jersey: 20th
The Good: They only rank sixth and ninth among the 30 teams, respectively, because there are so many good home caps and home jerseys in Major League Baseball, but I think the home whites of the Detroit Tigers are perfect. The Old English D on the cap and chest is a classic and timeless look that looks just as good today as it did when debuted. The logo itself dates back to 1904 and has only seen minor changes since 1934, when it was first placed on the jersey. Additional bonus points: absolutely no alternates.
The Bad: The Tigers would be a legitimate contender for first place in our MLB uniform power rankings if they simply made a gray version of their home white uniforms to wear on the road. It’s such a perfect, iconic look that the more modern orange outlined “Detroit” that stretches across the chest of the road jersey looks very out of place. Also, I prefer the white D used on the home cap to the orange logo on the road lid, but that’s a very minor preference and the road cap still looks good – just not with the road jersey.
Next: 12. Toronto Blue Jays