E3 2015: What will Sony Playstation bring to the E3 stage

How will Sony Playstation convince everyone that they’re still the kings of the console gaming world?

The hardest part about being the leader in any particular business is staying on top.  Sony Playstation is no stranger to trial-and-error, however it’s because of their successes and failures that they remain at the top of the console gaming world.   But with Microsoft’s Xbox One closing in fast with a solid spring quarter, can Playstation remain in the lead after E3?

Although most signs point to yes, the problem with Sony going into E3 is that besides their virtual reality headset, Project: Morpheus, they really have nothing incredibly big for their media briefing (9 pm EST).

With the delay of the heavily anticipated Uncharted 4 pushed to 2016, Playstation doesn’t have any major new exclusive planned for the holiday season.  It’s still a possibility, but all signs point to Sony relying on their current third-party lineup and DLC’s to keep them on top.

It’s almost safe to say that Playstation will talk heavily about Project: Morpheus, along with all of its services such as Playstation Plus, Playstation Vue and their upcoming indie developers and titles.

One indie title of which that could keep Sony afloat and relevant during E3 is No Man’s Sky by Hello Games.  Considering that it’ll probably have to serve as Sony’s “big upcoming title,” we should expect to see more gameplay and also get a release date.  Given the fact that E3 2015 is the year for VR gaming, we should also expect to see if it’ll be Morpheus compatible or not.

We may also get an official name for Morpheus as well Monday night and hopefully more content for Sony’s VR headset set to ship this spring.  Sonyrumors.net recently leaked the Playstation Move 2, the new Move controller that seems to pair perfectly with Morpheus.  (That’s right folks, here we go with Move again.)

Other games we should see at Sony’s E3 presser are Drawn to Death, Gran Turismo 7, Until Dawn, The Witness, Hellblade, God of War III: Remastered, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Ratchet & Clank.  We should also get an expanded look into the Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection coming out this fall as a prelude to Uncharted 4.

Then there is the Playstation Vita (the handheld that Sony pushed like crazy then gave up on in about a month). Most likely, it’ll get a bunch of indie titles via Playstation Plus, however it’s yet to see a legitimate, AAA title hit Vita since Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Killzone: Mercenaries or Assassin’s Creed Liberation. While those games were great for Vita, they were also the means for its demise considering that nobody has come up with a solid title since. The only consistent title on Vita that has been a hit has been Sony San Diego’s MLB: The Show series.

There have been rumors of Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China hitting the Vita, which would be a perfect title for the now-three year old handheld.

Sony Playstation doesn’t have to fear Microsoft taking the top spot this year.  However, the lack of new exclusives on either the PS4 or Vita should draw some concern. Sony has a good lead, but still should not fall complacent.  They’ve experienced nothing but success since its official announcement and launch, but disappointing titles like The Order: 1886 and Driveclub have slowed down Sony a little bit.

This may be a boring E3 for Sony, however it’s a crucial one. Whether or not Microsoft draws closer, takes the lead or gets left in the dust will depend on how Playstation comes out in the presser Monday night.  Sony has had a thing for the bright lights of Los Angeles. Time for them to come through in the clutch once again.

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