Michael Jordan RTOE
By Ian Levy
The other day, Michael Jordan made some comments about how he thinks he could still beat some Charlotte Hornets players in one-on-one, and we decided we needed to talk about them.
Which Hornets players do you think Jordan was talking about when he said he could beat some of them in one-on-one?
Chris Barnewall (@ChrisBarnewall): With how bad that offense was last year he might have meant the whole dang team. Although, if he does actually think this, most likely Jason Maxiell or Brian Roberts. Someone that he could somehow be faster than or at least use his superior size against.
Ian Dougherty (@IanDougherty): Jordan definitely meant the whole team. For him to do what he did not only in his basketball career, but his business career as well, his confidence has to be *Drake voice* waaaaay up, he feels blessed.
Jack Maloney (@jackhaveitall): It would kind of make sense if he was talking about the scrubs, but I think Ian and Chris are right. He thinks he could beat anyone on that team.
Could MJ actually beat someone on the Hornets in one-on-one in the year 2015?
Chris: Oh god no.
Ian: If he’s talking about a standard one-on-one game, where he has to run around a whole bunch, then I have my doubts. If there’s some different rules (3 dribble max, make-it-take-it, etc), he might be able to save his energy and get on enough of a roll scoring-wise.
Jack: Ahhh, yeah. Jason Maxiell is still on their roster, so I think so.
How old will Jordan have to be before he stops claiming he can beat current players?
Chris: Never. He’s gonna be doing this well into his late sixties. This is a persona he’s built and one that he’s gonna stick to for probably the rest of his ownership.
Ian: For as long as he can still shoot a basketball. Again, his confidence is sky-high.
Jack: Lol, he’s gonna do this forever. I could see Jordan in a wheelchair still claiming he’s better than the players of the day.