Our mission here at The Friendly Bounce is to cover the fun and quirky side of the NBA, the WNBA, and their players for the Hardwood Paroxysm Basketball Network. And I believe that Anthony Davis possibly having a pet monkey would fall under that description.
The other day, Davis posted a picture of a baby monkey to all his social media pages with the caption saying, “Young Meek!” From doing a few Googles, it appears that this monkey might be a capuchin? But I really have no idea. Any monkey experts please let us know whether or not this is correct.
Anyways, this is pretty cool. At least in theory. Like, it’s too bad you couldn’t rent a pet monkey. That would be the best. You could use it for stunting purposes, but wouldn’t have to deal with it smelling and stuff.
Seriously though, look how cute this little guy is. And he was apparently named after Meek Mill? Wow what an incredible life this monkey is already living.
I hope that one day Anthony gets him a custom-made fur coat and lets him run around an IKEA in honor of the greatest pet monkey who has ever lived.

Anyways, I’m not even 100 percent sure this is even Anthony Davis’ pet monkey, I’m just assuming. Either way, Meek is one cute little guy.