US Open Course is dry enough to dribble a basketball

The Chambers Bay US Open Course is ridiculously dry and players have been complaining all week about the conditions.

Next: U.S. Open Greens Are A Disaster

This is the first time the US Open has been held on the Chambers Bay golf course in Tacoma, Washington and so far players have a lot of complaints about the conditions.

Mostly the complaints have been that it’s dry, very dry.

Like, very dry. Just take a look:

Here’s another video of the very fast track, the golf ball just won’t stop.

The reason is that the Puget Sound area has had very little significant rain in the last few weeks and things have dried out considerably all around the area. You know it’s dry in Seattle when brush fires start appearing regularly on the side of the freeways.

Two days ago, this was water poured on the course, showing that not only has it dried out, but it’s dried out to the point of not absorbing new water.

Part of the reason for the dryness at Chambers Bay is the fact that it’s completely exposed to sun. Trees don’t line this course like you might think, considering it’s the Pacific Northwest. It’s bordered by water and there’s one lone tree on the course. Otherwise it’s rolling hills of fescue that looks a bit like Scotland right now.

The course has the ability to look green, with regular rain, as this picture from Business Insider last August shows, but that has not been the case in Seattle of late.

Next: Complete List of U.S. Open Winners

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