MLB All-Star Game – What other events would you add to All-Star Weekend?

The MLB All-Star Game and Weekend is pretty fun for baseball fans, but let’s see how it could be better.

One thing that can be said for the MLB’s All-Star Game is that at least it counts for something, even if you don’t agree with that something. Because of that, the actual game is more entertaining than anything that surrounds it. Granted, the Futures Game is pretty cool, but the Home Run Derby and Celebrity Softball Game are not exactly prime-time entertainment. If anything, the Home Run Derby just proves how boring it would be if players hit home run after home run every single game.

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The other sports, save the NFL, have interesting skill competitions that take place around their All-Star games.  Not every sport is in the NFL throne room wherein the public will literally watch anything put in front of them. The NBA has a skills competition and a dunk contest, while the NHL has things like trick shots and fastest skater competitions. That’s what the MLB needs. Something besides who can hit the most long-balls on a soft toss.

The point of these extra skills competitions should be to prove that baseball really isn’t boring. It’s just a long game wherein there’s a lot of standing around during it. One idea, either instead of the Home Run Derby or alongside it, is a pitcher home run derby. True, this could be somewhat lopsided towards Madison Bumgarner right now, and I won’t lie, that’s half my motivation, but wait, wouldn’t everyone like to see Bartolo Colon try to hit a home run? That’s what I thought.

In less NL-biased competitions, there could also be a competition to see who can run around the bases in the fastest time. Someone besides Billy Hamilton, that is. Of course, just like a pitcher’s home run derby, teams probably wouldn’t be keen on putting their players at risk in all-out competitions, but you never know. Another idea would be a pitcher’s accuracy competition. They wouldn’t have to throw hard, just locate. Throw the ball through a hoop like at a fair, or break plates or something like that.

A similar idea could be used for a batting competition. Have targets (or hey, just fielders) in the outfield and infield and have batters pull that soft toss into hitting a specific target. At least this would highlight some hitters who do this on a regular basis, not just the power hitters.

The MLB’s All-Star Game is a decent show, don’t get me wrong, but the festivities leading up to it could use some work.

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