NBA Pokemon: Lou Amundson is Geodude

geodude lou
geodude lou /

When you think about it, this might be the easiest Pokemon-NBA comparison there is.

Most Pokemon trainers walk through Mt. Moon and see hundreds of Geodudes. Their first thoughts are, “Well this Pokemon is okay, but no way it will cut it for my lineup! I’m going to get the best Pokemon out there, and a Geodude won’t be good enough.”

Then, the trainer inevitably stumbles into some electric Pokemon. And the electric Pokemon zap the Squirtle and Pidgeotto in his/her lineup time and time again. All of a sudden, the trainer thinks having a solid Pokemon that can help out when called upon isn’t the worst idea in the world. So, the trainer treks back to Mt. Moon to catch a Geodude.

Most NBA GMs sort through the free agents available and see several players like Lou Amundson. Their first thoughts are, “Well Amundson is okay, but no way he’ll cut it with our roster! We’re getting the most talented players out there, and Amundson won’t be good enough.”

Then, the team inevitably runs out some retread players or bust draft picks in the frontcourt. And the other teams’ big men continually hurt them inside time and time again. All of a sudden, the GM thinks having a solid player that can contribute when called upon isn’t the worst idea in the world. So, the GM calls Amundson in for a workout, and signs him to a low-risk contract.

Sensing a pattern here? Geodude and Amundson are both reliable options that aren’t flashy but have sound defensive principles. Both the Pokemon and the player can be a contributor, but should never have a huge role.

Basically, trainers/teams shy away from the Pokemon/player at first, because they have bigger dreams. Once reality sets in, though, people realize having a Geodude or Lou Amundson isn’t the end of the world.