Rafal Lipinski soars over four people for amazing 360 dunk (Video)


Rafal Lipinski cleared four people for this dunk and you probably won’t believe it when you see it take place

Some of the best dunks that we see don’t even happen in the NBA or major college basketball, rather they take place on the streets during some insane competitions. One of the men that’s amazing at pulling off other-worldly feats at competitions such as these is Rafal Lipinski, and he pulled off one of the best dunks that you will ever see.

During a Dunk Elite competition that took place all the way over in Berlin, Germany, Lipinski had everyone in an uproar when he completed a 360 dunk. I know, we see 360 dunks a lot anymore, so you’re probably asking yourself what the big deal is here.

Well, not only did he nail the 360 jam, but he did so after going through his legs….while soaring over four other human beings.

As it says right there in the caption, what might be even crazier than the fact that Lipinski was able to make this happen is the fact that he didn’t even win the dunk contest! He lost in the finals to Jordan Kilganon, who ripped off this impressive jam.


OK, that’s pretty insane as well, not many people will argue that. But whether or not it was better than what we saw from Lipinski is really a matter for great debate.

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