WWE Battleground 2015 results: Randy Orton defeats Sheamus (Video)

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Sheamus was unable to wrangle ‘The Viper’ Randy Orton at WWE Battleground.

Sheamus and Randy Orton met in the squared circle Sunday at WWE Battleground after being at each other’s throats for the past month. The bad blood between the two heavyweights began a little over a month ago when both men competed in the Money In The Bank Ladder Match. They had some physical encounters while vying for the briefcase, the contract ultimately being won by Sheamus.

The two men started the match at a methodical pace, looking to gain the upper hand. Orton took slight control in the match, but took the action firmly in his grasp as the fight went to the outside and Orton sent Sheamus into the barricade. However, Orton’s control wouldn’t last long after the action went back into the ring.

Sheamus hit a string of Irish Curse backbreakers on Orton to regain control and then continued to wear down The Viper. The crowd remained firmly behind Orton, especially when he tried to gain some momentum by sending Sheamus flying out of the ring.

The two competitors then began jostling for control once again, countering moves for a bit. It was a missed Brogue Kick into a powerslam that seemed to put Orton in the driver’s seat. Mr. Money In The Bank wasn’t fazed much by the slam, promptly stunning Orton and hitting a rolling senton. Another missed Brogue Kick led to a near RKO, but Sheamus was able to reverse that and hit White Noise. That was only good enough for a near-fall, though.

Orton was able to withstand Sheamus’ attacks and fight back to where he got Sheamus on the top rope. He then showed shades of his father, hitting a huge superplex:

Even after a superplex followed by a DDT off the middle rope, Sheamus was able to catch Orton by surprise and hit him with a Brogue Kick:

Sheamus then had Orton in a pickle as he locked on the Cloverleaf. Orton was able to get to the ropes, though. After breaking the hold, Sheamus let down his guard. That’s never a good deal against Orton, who hit an RKO (out of nowhere) and scored the win over Money In The Bank.

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