WWE Battleground 2015 results: Seth Rollins retains championship after Undertaker interferes

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Seth Rollins escaped WWE Battleground with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship after The Undertaker stopped Brock Lesnar.

Brock Lesnar has been waiting since Wrestlemania 31 to get his hands on Seth Rollins, the man who stole his WWE World Heavyweight Championship after cashing in the Money In The Bank Contract. WWE Battleground finally gave Lesnar the chance to punish Rollins and get his title back.

Lesnar started out the match by simply trying to catch a fleeing Rollins. Rollins even tried to get some offense in by using his quickness. However, Lesnar was having none of it as he promptly took the champ to Suplex City:

Rollins tried to flee again, picking up the belt and bolting into the crowd. Lesnar, being a freak of nature, hopped the barricade and caught Rollins and took him back into the ring for more punishment and more German suplexes.

The champion seemed to be gaining momentum after he countered a suplex to land on his feet. He took out Lesnar’s hamstring and almost was able to hit him with The Pedigree. That led to a near F5 from Lesnar, but Rollins again countered and used his speed and high-flying ability to seemingly hurt Lesnar. That didn’t last long as Brock popped back into the ring as Rollins was about to dive to the outside again and hit him with a huge belly-to-belly. That led to more Germans and Rollins being annihilated.

Rollins tried to fight back, but the suplexes continued. An F5 went down, but then the gongs sounded and the lights went out. There stood The Undertaker:

The Deadman unleashed fury on Lesnar, including multiple Chokeslams and Tombstones:

The match obviously ended in a no-contest and Rollins retained his championship. Meanwhile, Lesnar has bigger problems ahead.

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