Jeb Bush wants you to buy his guacamole bowl for $75

Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush wants your vote this year — and he also wants $75 for a used guacamole bowl. 

This year will see the Republican candidate for next years Presidential race selected, and Jeb Bush is hoping to win the nomination. He’s going to the trifecta for his family, as his father and brother both served as president and Jeb wants to make it a wholesome three-way. In order to campaign though, you need money and if there’s one thing Republicans like to do it’s take money from the people who vote for them and not even disguise it.

Jeb is off to a hot start, selling used things from his kitchen in the most expensive and overpriced online garage sale ever.

It’s not a joke. Good ol’ Jeb wants you to buy his guacamole bowl for the steep asking price of $75.

No, seriously.

Guaca Bowle | Jeb 2016 2015-08-05 14-45-58
Guaca Bowle | Jeb 2016 2015-08-05 14-45-58

A simple Amazon search reveals that you could get a top of the line guacamole bowl fresh from the manufacture for less than $40 — which is roughly a $35 markup by Jeb if you want to buy his. Vasconia 4-Cup Granite Molcajete Mortar and Pestle: Kitchen & Dining 2015-08-05 14-47-06 Vasconia 4-Cup Granite Molcajete Mortar and Pestle: Kitchen & Dining 2015-08-05 14-47-06

This is made out of freaking granite and it’s only $37. Meanwhile, you can buy one that Jeb has probably sneezed on a few times and spilt his crappy Florida beer into for $35 more. That’s a markup of almost 70 percent on something you can just steal from your local Mexican chain restaurant. I mean, for the love of God — Walmart sells this thing cheaper than Amazon and that clientele is pretty much the foundation of Jeb’s voting base.

Someone had better ask him about this at the Republican Primary Debate, or we’r not doing our duty as Americans. Also, ‘Guaca Bowle’ is the stupidest trying to be cute name for a bowl ever — this man might be making decisions for us in the future. But hey, at least we’ll get a sh-tload of Guac.

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