Zack Greinke hits first homer of season, delivers awesome bat flip (Video)


Zack Greinke not only nailed his first home run of the season, but he also pulled off a pretty nice bat flip as well

Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Zack Greinke has been having a phenomenal season on the mound. There’s not a doubt in anyone’s mind that when he’s on the hill, he’s one of the best Major League Baseball has to offer this season. One thing he hasn’t done, however, his hit a home run during one of his appearances at the plate.

On Thursday as they take on the Philadelphia Phillies, that all changed and Greinke made the most of his opportunity to shine from the offensive side of things.

With his team already up 6-5, Greinke stepped up to the plate in the third inning and he blasted that first home run of the season that he’s been waiting for. While the home run was a nice accomplishment, what he did immediately after may have been even better.

Upon extending his team’s lead, he proceeded to show us all that he’s been paying attention to teammate Yasiel Puig by delivering a pretty awesome bat flip.

Yep, he’s definitely been either talking to or paying some very close attention to Puig, because that was some pretty solid bat flip action right there by one of the best pitchers in baseball.

One last time, here’s an even better look at this bat flip of beauty:

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