LeBron James is Going to Send Kids to College for Free


LeBron James has been a great basketball player since he entered the NBA in 2003 with the Cleveland Cavaliers. For the better part of the last 10 years he has been the best basketball player on the planet. Yet all of his on the court accomplishments pale in comparison to the type of person LeBron has been throughout his career.

Outside of “The Decision” (an event that raised a ton of money for charity, which seems to be forgotten by many people) any and all stories that we hear about LeBron off the court are positive ones. The amount of time and money he has given to a host of different causes is immense and on Thursday night LeBron just added to his off the court legacy in a way that will touch countless more lives.

What exactly that program is still remains to be seen but knowing LeBron two things are certain. One is that it will be focused around his home community in Akron where James continues to do an amazing amount of charitable work every year and two, that the program will be obtainable by fair amount of kids because LeBron is in this for reasons that go far beyond recognition.

In an era where too many bad things are happening off the court with athletes it is nice to hear stories of people really trying to help kids escape tough situations. LeBron James has done that and if it is up to him a bunch more kids will as well. So good for LeBron James for giving back and more importantly good for the kids that are going to get an opportunity they otherwise wouldn’t have.