Spectre Rumors: Radiohead to sing next Bond theme song

We are months away from the release of the next James Bond film, and the odds seem to be on Radiohead getting the nod for the Spectre theme. 

One of the most iconic aspects of the Bond franchise is the theme songs for each individual film. If you get to sing a Bond theme, you’re instantly solidified in the lore and mythos of the franchise, and it’s an honor that isn’t bestowed without heavy thought and careful consideration.

With Spectre just months away from being released worldwide, the time is nearing where we’re going to hear who will sing the next Bond them — and the cat might be out of the bag.

According to Rupert Adams, who works for one of the largest bookmaker companies in the world, the odds seem to be on Radiohead singing the Spectre theme song.

"“I would be very surprised if Radiohead aren’t announced as the singers of the next Bond film — although you might find that his agent has whispered to somebody, ‘You know, I think Radiohead is probably going to get it,’ and he turns out [to be wrong]. But if I was a betting man — and I am — I would say that Radiohead is definitely going to be announced as the next singers.”"

If true — which he have zero idea of knowing or not — it would be a sort of cathartic moment for Bond fans. For years, there has been a clamoring for Radiohead to sing a Bond theme, and they even went ahead and recorded a song that is very Bond-esque in Iron Lung back in the 90s.

That obviously wasn’t meant to be a Bond song, but it has served as evidence over the years that Radiohead is built to craft a Bond theme of epic proportions. After all, if Jack White and Alicia Keys or Madonna can have a crack at doing a Bond theme, it’s long overdue for Radiohead to get that shot as well.

With the film slated to be released in November, it’s only a matter of time before we hear the single released for the theme song and have it go into heavy radio rotation.

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