WWE SummerSlam results: New Day win Tag Team Championships (Video)

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New Day recaptured the WWE Tag Team Championships at WWE SummerSlam

For the Tag Team Championship Fatal 4-Way at SummerSlam, New Day came out first and behaved like they were the biggest heels in the company. They talked down about New York hip hop, then proceeded to perform a remix of “Empire State of Mind” that had Big E proclaiming, “All these other tag teams are booty.” That obviously set the tone for when the action began in the Fatal 4-Way for the WWE Tag Team Championships:

Prime Time Players, Lucha Dragons, and Los Matadores all took their turns getting in offense on New Day. Kalisto and Sin Cara stole the show early on (aside from Xavier Woods hilariously running his mouth on the outside) with their innovative offense:

However, the former champions in New Day got in control when Kofi lured Darren Young to the apron and Big E was able to leave his corner and hit a monster splash:

The New Day continued to work on Young after E left him squashed on the apron, but Kofi got a bit too cute and got caught by an Atomic Drop. That allowed Young to get Titus O’Neil in for the hot tag and O’Neil ran through virtually everyone in the match. Big E helped with a huge spear to the outside. Meanwhile, Xavier Woods got his retribution on El Torito in a big way:

However, Titus continued to dominate Fernando of Los Matadores, ultimately hitting a Tower of Doom spot and then Clash of the Titus. However, Kofi tagged himself in during the Tower spot and attacked Titus after he hit his finisher. Big E got O’Neil out of the ring, letting Kofi pick up the pin and make New Day the new WWE Tag Team Champions:

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