Pierce Brosnan Is In Favor Of A Gay James Bond


The world hasn’t yet fully accepted the idea of a black actor playing James Bond, but Pierce Brosnan is ready for a gay James bond too. 

When Daniel Craig stepped into the role of James Bond back in 2006, hardcore fans railed against the idea on the basis that h was blond. WE’ve since come to accept Craig as one of the best Bond actors to step into the role, but the mouth breathing sect of Bond fans have once again made themselves known in railing against a black actor like Idris Elba stepping into the role.

Imagine how quickly their brains would explode if the character was ever made to be gay. That’s actually something a former Bond actor has brought up in a recent interview.

Speaking with Details, Pierce Brosnan said that he’d support a gay James Bond but wasn’t sure if it’d ever happen as long as producer Barbara Broccoli is alive.

"Sure. Why not? [Pauses thoughtfully] Actually, I don’t know how it would work. I don’t think Barbara [Broccoli, the James Bond producer] would allow a gay Bond to happen in her lifetime. But it would certainly make for interesting viewing."

It’s an interesting concept, but we’re a ways away from getting a gay James Bond. The world can’t even universally accept the idea — just the idea — of a black actor playing 007, let alone having the character be gay.

What it does is raises a serious question about how we view the character. While some people are in favor of a black actor playing Bond, some of those same people might reject the idea of the character being gay — with the only support being the same used by those against the idea of a black Bond.

It’s tricky waters to navigate, but the idea was at least flirted with in Skyfall with the sexually ambiguous Raoul Silva.

While the idea of a gay James Bond is one to kick around, let’s do what Brosnan stated as a follow up answer to that question — get a black actor in the role first and move forward from there.

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