NXT Takeover: Respect results: Baron Corbin and Rhyno vs Finn Balor and Samoa Joe full highlights

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Results and highlights from Baron Corbin and Rhyno vs Finn Balor and Samoa Joe at NXT Takeover: Respect

Baron Corbin and Rhyno defeated Jason Jordan and Chad Gable while Finn Balor and Samoa Joe beat The Mechanics in the teams’ respective semifinal matches in the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. Subsequently, they were set to meet in the Final, but with the NXT Champion Balor slowed after suffering a knee injury in the semifinal match.

Despite the injury Balor started the match for his team, matching up with Rhyno. After the two jostled to a relative draw, Corbin was tagged in and Finn remained. Balor then avoided some power moves from Corbin and hit a big dropkick before tagging Joe in for some hefty strikes and a diving knee. Trying to stay on top, Joe went after Corbin off the ropes, but The Lone Wolf caught him:

Corbin then tagged in Rhyno and the veteran stayed in control with big strikes and a chin lock. He then unleashed some heavy hitting strikes like this big shoulder to the gut in the corner:

Corbin was then back into the action and continued to wear down the big man:

Samoa Joe was then able to reverse an Irish Whip and create some space by taking Corbin down. That led to him tagging Balor in, but that turned out poorly as Corbin and Rhyno recovered and began attacking Balor’s knee in a major way. The beatdown continued on the champ:

But Balor somehow mustered the strength to recover and tag Joe in:

Joe looked in peril for a moment, but then got a full head of steam and, with the help of a DDT to Corbin from Balor, was able to put down Rhyno. That led to the Musclebuster into the Coup de Grace again and Finn Balor and Samoa Joe captured the trophy for the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic:

Cody and Dustin Rhodes then came out to hand the victors their hardware. Cody delivered a heartfelt speech in honor of his late father and Balor and Joe hoisted the trophy high:

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