Panthers’ Trai Turner takes out two Eagles with one block (Video)


Panthers offensive lineman Trai Turner really got his money’s worth with this block against the Eagles on Sunday

As an offensive lineman, you want to protect your quarterback as best as you possibly can. In this case, generally, you need to make sure that the one man on your assignment is taken care of. Well, sometimes there are rare occurrences where you can go above and beyond your job description by actually protecting your signal caller from two opposing players.

This is something that was done by Trai Turner of the Panthers on Sunday, even if it was really by accident.

On a play in the second half, Cam Newton was trying to get his way out of the pocket as he was being chased and Turner laid a monster block on Brandon Graham. This block, though, threw Graham directly into the direction of Nolan Carroll who was also in pursuit.

So, this happened …

Again, this was completely by accident, but it really got the job done in making sure that no one got a hand on Cam Newton, which is really the whole point in the end.