WWE Hell in a Cell results: Roman Reigns vs Bray Wyatt full video highlights

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Results and highlights from the Hell in a Cell match between Roman Reigns and Bray Wyatt at WWE Hell in a Cell

Bray Wyatt initially targeted Roman Reigns several months ago at Money In The Bank. They were in a singles match at Battleground, but Luke Harper interfered to give Wyatt the win. Since then, the two superstars have been involved in different iterations of tag team matches. At Hell in a Cell, it was just the two men isolated inside the steel structure.

As these two behemoths were locked inside Hell in a Cell together, the match started with these two guys showing off their powerful strikes and just beating on one another inside the ring. Reigns gained early control, though, hitting a big suplex and seemingly had Wyatt reeling. Bray then dodged an apron dropkick, but Reigns recovered to deliver some strikes and then land the apron dropkick:

The tide turned in the match, though, when Wyatt brought a kendo stick into the equation and started wailing on Reigns:

Wyatt then began to methodically wear Roman Reigns down with a dose of shots with the kendo stick, strikes, and throwing Reigns into the cage:

Reigns tried to fight back, but he got his head slammed through a propped up kendo stick for his trouble:

Wyatt then tried to get even more diabolical by getting a chair involved, but Reigns flipped the tables on him and started a beatdown of his own. He sent Wyatt into the chair first and then took the two halves of the broken kendo stick and went to town:

Roman continued this beatdown for quite a while and got thoughts of ending the match when he set up a table on the outside. That backfired on the powerhouse Reigns when Wyatt fought back and ultimately put Roman through the table:

Even after that and after Reigns was rolled back into the ring, he wouldn’t be pinned as he kicked out at two. That only further angered Wyatt who began to angrily assault his opponent. Bray then got his own thoughts of a table, setting his up in the ring.

Bray then set Reigns up on the top rope to try and suplex him through the newly introduced table, but Reigns blocked it with his foot on the ropes. A series of strikes and counters eventually led to Reigns hitting Wyatt with an enormous powerbomb through the table:

Roman couldn’t get the three-count even after that huge powerbomb. Both men then tried to gather themselves with Reigns ultimately coming up the aggressor. He was almost caught by Wyatt for Sister Abigail, but the former Shield muscle countered into a roll-up. Bray kicked out and Reigns then countered an attempted clothesline with a Superman Punch:

The match still wasn’t going to end like that, though, as Wyatt still had life. Roman tried to take care of that as they fought out onto the apron until Bray found himself being speared off the apron and through a table on the floor:

After recovering, both men rolled back into the ring and Reigns went for the pin, but Wyatt kicked out. Roman then tried to deliver another Spear, but Wyatt caught him with a boot and then Sister Abigail:

Bray tried to get incredibly sadistic by setting up the two halves of the kendo stick poking out from the turnbuckles and threatening to put Reigns’ head into it. Roman countered and broke free, though, and was able to put Reigns’ head into the kendo stick himself and hit a spear to pick up a huge win: