Protestors repel down from upper deck during Monday Night Football (Photo)

Credit: Christopher Jacques (Twitter)
Credit: Christopher Jacques (Twitter) /

A couple of protestors rappelled down from the upper deck during Monday Night Football to hang a banner in protest

The Carolina Panthers and the Indianapolis Colts played an NFL game for Monday Night Football in Charlotte, NC’s Bank of America Stadium in Week 8. For most of the first half, the football was pretty ugly with a lot of turnovers and not a lot of points. Things got pretty exciting in the second half, but it had literally nothing to do with the action on the field.

Midway through the third quarter, two fans in the upper deck unveiled rappelling gear and began rappelling down from the upper deck, as crazy as that sounds:

It was unclear what they were doing as the two people were just hanging from the upper deck, until they broke out a banner, which they then hung from the upper deck:

The banner reads “BOA Dump Dominion” and links to a website. That website and another website confirm that the two fans who suspended themselves from the upper deck of the stadium are in protest of Bank of America for funding a fracking company in Maryland.

No matter if you agree with the cause that these two protestors are trying to get across, you can’t support going about it this way. This is reckless in that it endangers both the protestors and all of the fans below them if one of the people hanging were to fall into the lower decks. If you have a cause, a protest, or a point to get across, definitely go about getting it to the public in a manner other than this.