Knuckle dragger Panthers fan cusses out old lady (Video)


The Carolina Panthers are 8-0, but it looks like their fans might be insufferable. 

When your team is 8-0, the attention towards your team is heightened in huge ways — which isn’t always a good thing. Football fans have a bad rap for being dopey mouth breathers who multitask huffing fumes in the parking lot with chugging over priced beer in their crappy nose bleed seats.

That was the case on Sunday in Charlotte after the Panthers beat the Packers to move to 8-0 on the season. At some point in the game, a Panthers fan was seen shouting and flailing his arms in the vicinity of an old lady wearing Packers gear.

Here is a Panthers fan freaking out to an old lady Packers fan, presented without context:

This guy is a winner, and totally deserves an 8-0 football team.

There’s zero context for this — which is the only thing working for this guy. You don’t need a whole lot of context though to realize that this probably isn’t a passionate discussion about astrophysics or the ending to The Deer Hunter.

It’s really hard to be in a situation with a Packers fan where someone is being a flamboyant moron, be that flamboyant moron and not be the Packers fan.

Stay classy, Panthers fans.