OUAT: Best ways to incorporate ‘Hercules’ characters


Running down the best ways to fold in Hercules characters to Once Upon A Time.

Rumor has it that Hades will be appearing the the 100th episode of Once Upon A Time, “Souls of the Departed.” Of course this is all speculation and it has still not been confirmed if, in fact, the cast from Hercules will be joining the Once universe. However, if our favorite Greek mythology characters were to play a part in the show, here are a few theories and/or suggestions of what could happen.

Possible Baelfire Resurrection

This is wishful thinking but what if Baelfire were to return into the fold? In the animated film adaptation of Hercules’ story we see Hercules bring back the soul of his beloved Meg–in essence he resurrects her. Several fans mourned the loss of Neal, given that the character was just being explored and still had several unfinished questions that needed answering.

For one, bringing back Neal would be something both Henry and Rumple would want. So far we have seen Henry as the good guy, but he even mentioned to the Apprentice his desire to bring back his dad by being the Author. Traveling into the underworld would not only cause character development but also a huge tension. Each one character has a person they wish to bring back–Neal, Cora, and possibly Milah for Hook.

Any Dead Character’s Resurrection

Besides Neal, there are several other characters who may die or have died that would modivate the heroes of Storybooke to travel to hell for. For one, Cora as well as Pan (Robby Kay was a brilliant actor) could possibly return to the show.

This way a main character could die without fans worrying about them being gone forever. This would add a newer, darker side to Once.

Hercules As a Villain

King Arthur has been presented as a villain thus far in season 5. What if Hercules was a bad guy? Hercules proved to be a hero, but than again he fell in love with Meg–what would he turn into if Meg were to die? In the film Hercules gives up being a god to spend a life with Meg. It would be an interesting twist if he were to become a villain and or work for his uncle Hades in return for getting his love back.

It would also be a relief from magic wielding enemies the show has constantly produced. If the show were to bring back immortal sword fighting villains instead of the wizard or witch it usually does, that might be a fresh start.

Greek Gods are Tricksters

If anyone remembers middle school social studies class, the Greek gods were somewhat jerks at times. Unlike Thor and the other Asgard people, the Greek gods liked to play around with humanity from time to time. This would make Hades and the other Greek gods perfect for Once. They have no hidden agenda; what if Hades just wants to have a laugh?

The hit anime Death Note was a success due to great plot. The death note was sent to earth simply because a godlike grim reaper was bored. There are several important Greek mythology items that could become apart of Once. Pandora’s box was already mentioned in the show as well as Medusa herself.

What do you think? Will our favorite Hercules characters come to Once? If so how will the fit into the current story arc?
