Stone Cold responds to Goldberg’s drinking claims


After former WCW Champion Bill Goldberg accused Stone Cold Steve Austin of not actually drinking beers in the ring, Stone Cold responded.

Everyone remembers Stone Cold Steve Austin for being anti-authority and delivering stunners to anyone that came at him — and sometimes not. However, he’s just as remembered for opening some beers after opening a can on some poor soul, and delivering a beer bath to himself after the hard-fought match.

Well after former WCW Champion Bill Goldberg accused Stone Cold Steve Austin of not actually drinking the beers, Stone Cold decided to respond to Bill Goldberg.

"“About 50 percent of that beer went in, about 50 percent of it went on, that’s the showbiz part of it. There have been many times I left the ring and had a pretty good buzz. And, if you go back and see Bill again, ask him because Bill is not a drinker. And so I got him drunk in the ring a few times.”"

For anyone that’s ever watched Stone Cold take a beer bath, it’s clear that he’s ingesting a lot of beer, although a good portion is foam from the beers being smashed together before he drinks them.

For Goldberg to say Stone Cold isn’t drinking them, it’s pretty absurd considering the fact that it’s right there for everyone to see. He might not be drinking the full beer, but he is drinking a lot of them and that speaks to the man that is Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Considering he’d smash two beers and stand atop every ring post, he drank a decent portion of 8 or so beers after each match in a couple minute span. It’s easy to see why Stone Cold Steve Austin said he caught a buzz every now and then from doing it.

Perhaps Stone Cold and Goldberg can settle this dispute over some beers. Stone Cold Steve Austin would like that.