Mark Cuban went on the record to praise Roger Goodell over how he handled DeflateGate
Sometimes it takes someone with an entirely different perspective to view a vilified individual in a different light. According to NBC Sports, before a game between the Dallas Mavericks and the Boston Celtics, reporters thought it was the right moment to ask someone whose always seems to be up front and honest in the media,Mark Cuban, his views on Roger Goodell and Deflategate.
"“As an owner, it was obvious to me that it was up to Roger Goodell to take the heat and take responsibility.And he handled in masterfully. The fact that it all got reversed and all that is irrelevant…The reality is it’s all about the good of the game and that’s what Roger’s responsible for and that’s what the owners pay him so much money to do. “"
On the one hand, the NFL Constitution and Bylaws technically has the Commissioner as “Commissioner of the League” whose jobs and duties directly discipline both players and teams all the while playing a delicate balancing act with his PR Department to minimize the negative light shed on an ugly situation. Seemingly, this job would translate to keeping the league profitable by maintaining fan interest and having positive PR.
But the NFL, as an entertainment medium, is more than languishing in the polls in overall viewership and fans of the game oftentimes point a finger of blame Goodell’s way. What Cuban has shed light on is the fact that people don’t understand what his job is in the first place, which is representation of 32 teams and their respective owners. There is a direct correlation between the happiness of the 32 owners and how Goodell sees his job security. And his job security translates to million of dollars ($35 million in 2013 and $44 million in 2012.)
Currently, DeflateGate as it sits suffered a blow of its own after a federal judge overturned the NFL’s decision to suspend Tom Brady for four games. Much of the NFL wants to put that saga behind them and this decision is certainly giving a bit of closure to the situation.