WWE Survivor Series results: Charlotte vs Paige full video highlights

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Highlights and results from Charlotte vs Paige at WWE Survivor Series

WWE Divas Champion Charlotte defending her title against Paige at WWE Survivor Series was a relatively stagnant feud until the go-home RAW. That’s when Paige insulted Charlotte’s late brother, Reid, and the feud gained all kinds of heat both in storyline and in real life. Subsequently, there was quite a bit of buzz heading into this match.

Charlotte was predictably the aggressor right after the bell, physically overpowering Paige to try and get the advantage. When the action went to the apron, though, Paige found a window and sent Charlotte into the ring post to swing the momentum in her favor:

Paige then locked in an abdominal stretch to try and wear Charlotte down. The champ wouldn’t quit fighting, though. She fought out of the hold and ultimately took down the challenger with a wicked Big Boot.

Charlotte was then able to lock in a Figure Four, but Paige kept fighting and even reversed the hold a couple of times. The champion really did damage when she got to the apron and draped the submission out of the ring with a brutal move. Forced to break the hold, Charlotte then took Paige to the outside and sent her face-first into the apron off the shoulders of the champ:

Charlotte then dominated the match, highlighting her power and submission prowess and showing shades of her dad, Ric Flair, with knees and driving Paige’s head into the mat:

Paige was able to turn the tides, though, sending a charging Charlotte into the ring post. After throwing the champ to the floor and then beginning submission work of her own, it seemed like the advantage was to the challenger. That’s when Charlotte pulled out a unique and creative neckbreaker to even things back up:

The two then battled for control, exchanging punches. The champ finally won it with a big spear and then hitting Natural Selection. But Paige rolled to the outside to recover and then lure in Charlotte for an attack.

Paige then started gloating on the outside by standing on the barricade, allowing for the champ to then spear her off the barricade:

With the advantage, Charlotte got the challenger back into the ring and locked in the Figure Eight. Paige fought hard not to submit, but had to in the end, making Charlotte the winner and still Divas Champion: