WWE Survivor Series results: Team Uso vs Team New Day full video highlights

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Highlights and results from Team Uso vs Team New Day at WWE Survivor Series

WWE Survivor Series was scheduled to hold a traditional five-on-five elimination tag team match, but the participants were yet to be determined before the start of the show. The teams were revealed to be Team Uso (The Usos, The Lucha Dragons, and Ryback) and Team New Day (New Day, Sheamus, King Barrett).

The start of the match saw Xavier Woods trying not to have his new hairdo messed up by The Usos:

However, that didn’t work as he became too concerned with it:

After a bit of back-and-forth largely handled by Team Uso, Team New Day were on the outside while the members of Team Uso all hit suicide dives to the floor:

However, Ryback stayed in the ring and, with everyone on the outside, went to the top rope and took out the crowd:

After that craziness, Team New Day got back in the ring and took control. After targeting The Usos, their hubris got the best of them and that ultimately led to King Barrett being eliminated by Sin Cara off a sweet Senton:

The Lucha Dragons had more fun up their sleeves with some of their athletic style:

However, Team New Day soon escaped the dire straights that they were in and regained the advantage. This led to the elimination of Jimmy Uso. Sin Cara was the next victim, though, after taking a spear off the apron from Big E:

And then eating a Brogue Kick from Sheamus after Sheamus tagged himself in:

Big E was upset after Sheamus tagged himself in and the Celtic Warrior took offense and put E back in the match. This led to a blindside attack on Big E from Ryback and Kalisto. That put Big E down for the Frog Splash from Jey Uso to get eliminated:

However, New Day were concerned for Big E’s health and took him to the back to take care of him, leaving Sheamus all alone against the three remaining members of Team Uso. Mr. Money In The Bank dominated Kalisto, but couldn’t get the elimination. That led to Ryback coming in and wearing down the big man. Sheamus was then triple-teamed and it was too much for him. A Jey Uso Superkick into a Kaliston Hurricanrana, into Shell Shocked spelled the end for Sheamus and Team Uso: