In late October, Jahlil Okafor presented a fake I.D. at a bar and was refused service.
You’d think one of the most recognizable athletes in Philadelphia would know that his face would be immediately recognizable amongst the crowd, especially when you’re towering above everyone else at 6 feet 11 inches, but apparently not. According to CSN Philly earlier Monday, fresh-faced Philidelphia 76ers center Jahlil Okafor allegedly presented a fake I.D. at Misconduct Tavern, a popular bar in the Center City district of PA. Okafor tried to pass the I.D. as genuine but was promptly refused service anyway. According to one of the source,
"…he was surprised because Okafor is “a big guy” and “famous” and “pretty easy to recognize.”"
This isn’t the first piece of troubling news to hit headlines this weekend alone for the 19-year-old as the Philidelphia Inquirer also reported Sunday morning that Okafor was pulled over for hitting 108 MPH going over a bridge whose posted speed limit is 45 MPH.
And last week , the 265-pound center found himself involved in a Boston street fight which was filmed by a passerby witnessing the event. Apparently heated words were exchanged between Okafor and an upset fan over the 76ers performance. Since then, Okafar himself has apologized and is overall embarrassed with the situation.
"“It was definitely dumb on my part,” he said. “It’s something that I am embarrassed about. [I’m] still dealing with the league and the team. But I’m not happy about it at all.”"
Driving 108 MPH and trying to score some alcohol with a fake ID seems to be pretty normal stuff at Okafar’s age. Although it’s not implicitly ok, it’s not really worthwhile to pick apart everything this kid’s done (because that’s essentially what he is…a kid.) Picking on someone bigger than you at 6’11” and 269 pounds is a big deal but the rest can be chalked up to being a teenager.