There are many talented players in the NBA, but a lot can go unnoticed. Here’s a breakdown of the most underrated player from every team in the league.
The NBA is full of talent at every position. From shooters like Stephen Curry to highflying, guard-like forwards such as Blake Griffin, there are more than enough superstars to be a fan of. But as is always the case in sports, those superstars can easily overshadow other talented players as they rise to stardom and take control of the spotlight. Which is why it’s important to recognize others that don’t always get the credit they deserve.
Whether they get stuck in the shadow of a superior teammate or their ability is simply overlooked by fans and critics alike, this piece will look at the most underrated player on every NBA team.
Of course, these kinds of debates can create many responses depending on everyone’s varying views. People just see the league differently, and that results in different ideas of what kind of players are underrated. Plus, someone who only loves watching highlights of Chef Curry’s three pointers isn’t going to think very highly of an elite defender who only plays 25 minutes a game. But that’s the intention of this article, to look at some of those players who are often overlooked.
So, let’s just get straight to it. We’ll begin with the Western Conference and get the Los Angeles Lakers out the way first, before continuing to some of the better talent the NBA has to offer.
Next: Los Angeles Lakers