NFL Mock Draft: Week 13 Wednesday edition

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The New York Giants are an incomplete team that has some good pieces and some not-so-good. They’re good, but not great. They play in spurts, but at times look to be held together with bubblegum. They need a tightening of the screws and some consistency.

Emmanuel Ogbah is one big, fast, strong and scary dude. He’s proven himself to be a sack master during his tenure at Oklahoma State, and can basically be penciled in for at least one quarterback hit every game.

And for all his natural athletic ability, it’s the intangibles that make Ogbah a true treasure. He’s down to earth, and a hard worker. Unlike many players who are groomed for the gridiron right out of the womb, Ogbah played soccer up until seventh grade. In essence, he’s still learning the game. There’s still tremendous upside.

Ogbah has the power to go heads-up against the game’s top tackles. He also boasts the pragmatism to understand what needs to be done in order better his game and maximize his otherworldly potential.

Next: No. 14 Tampa Bay Buccaneers