Tyson Fury under investigation for a hate crime

World Boxing heavyweight champion Tyson Fury is now under investigation for a hate crime.

Newly minted boxing heavyweight champion of the world Tyson Fury is unapologetic.

He has been very outspoken about homosexuality, women and many other controversial topics. However, Police are now investigating to see whether he has acted on those beliefs. According to a report by BBC, the new heavyweight titleholder is under investigation for a hate crime committed in Manchester, England. The alleged hate crime revolves around Fury’s comments in BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme.

“We take every allegation of hate crime extremely seriously and we will be attending the victim’s address to take a statement,” a Greater Manchester Police spokeswoman told BBC.

The spokeswoman added that the statement would be taken into consideration into whether or not to launch a full investigation.

Fury recently beat 18-time champion Wladimir Klitschko in Dusseldorf, Germany to win the heavyweight belts. Fury has also come under scrutiny for comments on a multitude of issues. He has been quoted as saying that a woman’s “best place is on her back.” He’s also a well-known opponent of homosexuality and abortion. Recently, there has been a petition circling to remove Fury from BBC’s Sporting Personality of the Year list. The petition has 80,000 signatures.

“I’m not sexist. I believe a woman’s best place is in the kitchen and on her back,” Fury said.”That’s my personal belief. Making me a good cup of tea, that’s what I believe.”

If this develops into a full criminal investigation, Fury’s future as the heavyweight champion could be in danger. Regardless, in today’s day, Fury won’t be winning any new fans for those comments. In fact, Fury may be alienating a large portion of the population. However, could people now tune in to his fights to see him fall? It wouldn’t be the first time that has happened in combat sports.

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