The Atlanta Hawks‘ Dennis Schroder lost his tooth, so he put it in his sock.
Dennis Schroder might have taken up the wrong sport in life.
Against the Portland Trail Blazers on Monday, Atlanta Hawks guard Dennis Schroder made a move that would have been befitting of a hockey player instead of a basketball player.
After getting kicked in the head on the play, Schroder lost his tooth in what looked like an incredibly painful accident on the court.
Schroder showed some toughness by shaking it off and getting up off the floor, but it’s what he did after that was rather strange. Rather than tossing his broken tooth aside, Schroder decided to pick it up and stick it in his sock.
Either playing with a tooth in a sock is good luck, or Schroder wants to save that tooth for the tooth fairy. However, with an NBA contract, it’s not likely the tooth fairy would be willing to dish out any money to Schroder.
Whatever the case may be, Schroder wants that tooth and doesn’t want anything to happen to it. Perhaps putting it somewhere else than his sock would have been a better idea.
Still, who is to tell Schroder what he can and can’t do with his tooth?