Vatican newspaper slams Star Wars “The Force Awakens”

BySteven McNeil|

In today’s edition of wacky news, the L’Osservatore Romano has come out in stark opposition of the new Star Wars film.

According to Hollywood Reporter, the Vatican newspaper has decided to review Star Wars: The Force Awakens and their review is not pleasant. No, they aren’t waving their moral finger at our beloved new Star Wars movie, but the reviewer decided to call the movie “confused and vague”. According to HR, the reviewer believes that Kylo Ren and Supreme Leader Snoke, just aren’t up to snuff with Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine.

Apparently building up a character is just not acceptable in the eyes of this reader. Had the reviewer paid any attention to this film, he clearly would have understood that Kylo Ren is clearly not a Sith Lord and clearly not up to level of training that Darth Vader had.

At the point in A New Hope (where we are originally introduced to Vader), Vader had already gone through and practically eliminated the Jedi, oh and Palpatine had weaseled his way into control of the entire Republic. But, you want an apparent “Sith in Training” to be more?

The reviewer also claimed that this movie is simply just a “reboot” and not much of a sequel, and that it is not even as good as Christopher Nolan’s Batman franchise. This sounds all too like a guy who was expecting this to be a whole series in one movie.

What’s the reviewer’s ultimate thought?

"“(Force Awakens) is in fact modeled on the sloppiest current action films derived from the world of video games. The only merit of J.J. Abrams’ film is to show, by contrast, how the direction of the previous films was elegant, balanced and above all appropriate.”"

This sounds way too much like that guy that complains about every sequel or a reboot, saying “It’s not as good as the original,” when the goal of Abrams was never to be better than the originals. The point of this sequel is to give the fans more of what they loved in the original movies. My belief is that Disney is adding more than anyone could (including Lucas) to this series.

I personally have been ecstatic about the expansion of the series since Disney took over, because of what they have done with the Marvel movies. If you think they turned that ship around, just wait, the Star Wars series will be even better. We just need to be patient and let it develop.

Next: Will Ewan McGregor return for Star Wars: Episode VIII?

My advice to the reviewer? Watch the movie again, this time watch it without the snark point of view and appreciate it for what it is; a series beginner that is aimed at building up anticipation for the next movies.