Strawberry Fields


Bond: Miss Fields showed true bravery. I want that mentioned in your report.

Name: Strawberry Fields

Appearances: Quantum of Solace

Portrayed By: Gemma Arterton

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Strawberry Fields is an agent with MI6 stationed in Bolivia. She is tasked with meeting with James Bond and sending him back to London after MI6 deems his actions reckless.

Strawberry Fields is the secondary Bond girl in the film Quantum of Solace.

Relationship With Bond

In Quantum of Solace, James Bond works outside of the jurisdiction of MI6 in order to stop Quantum villain Dominic Greene (Mathieu Almaric). Bond kills an agent of Quantum by the name of Slate, which angers MI6 head M (Judi Dench). MI6 sends Strawberry Fields into the field to retrieve Bond after he refuses to return to London to debrief.

Fields takes Bond to a dingy, small hotel, claiming that they are undercover as teachers on sabbatical. Bond refuses to stay in such a lowly place, and takes Fields to a fancy hotel, telling the receptionist there that they are teachers on sabbatical who have just won the lottery. That night, Bond seduces her.

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Later, she attends a party with Bond that is hosted by Greene. During a confrontation between Bond and Greene, Bond takes Camille and leaves. Fields not only allows Bond to escape, thus going against her orders, but she also trips one of Greene’s men as he goes to follow them. This brings unwanted attention to her.

Fields is found by MI6 dead in the hotel room. She is found with her body entirely covered with crude oil, which suffocated the skin. M informs Bond that her lungs are filled with oil. She removes Bond from active duty because of his recklessness, stating that Strawberry Fields was a desk agent whose only job was to send Bond home. Bond’s insubordination caused Fields’ safety to be compromised.

Bond exacts revenge on Greene for killing Fields in this way by stranding him in the middle of the desert with only a can of motor oil to drink.

Next: James Bond Characters


The death of Strawberry Fields is a direct homage to the death of Jill Masterson in Goldfinger.

As always, thanks for reading!
