AJ Styles finally teased that he will be appearing in the WWE Royal Rumble match next Sunday.
Recently we all learned that WWE’s original plan for AJ Styles was to have him make an appearance in the WWE Royal Rumble match next Sunday night, marking his debut with the company. However, since news of Styles coming over to WWE has become such common knowledge, many are wondering whether or not that appearance could still happen.
Styles, for the most part, has even been quiet about the whole Royal Rumble talk. Well, until now.
Following what will probably be one of his final independent appearances before he hits the big time, Styles was not shy about teasing that he would indeed be in the match next Sunday to shock everyone.
That wasn’t a definitive guarantee or anything along those lines, but it was a pretty strong hint that they’re sticking with the Royal Rumble plan after all.
Still, even if we know that Styles will be in the match, it won’t make it any less exciting at all by any means. Seeing AJ Styles, especially this current version, finally in a WWE ring will be more than enough to keep us all happy.